Eperience The Extraordinary!

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Wealthy By Choice: Chances are that almost anyone you ask if they would like to earn more money would most definitely say yes. Don't believe me? Ask your neighbor, your dentist or refuse collector to prove me wrong for $1.00 without questions. Its not funny - it all adds up!. Do not get disillusioned by any program remotely close in delivering similar earning potential. There isn't. Such will automatically kick you above 50% income tax bracket where you will be compelled to part with over half of your earnings with Uncle Sam.

Thus why this program is dynamite, with mass appeal and practically markets itself. There is absolutely no way that anyone can lose by giving it a try. Even if you are not marketing savvy, below are some tools that will take you to the next level. Here at WealthyByChoiceAndAction.Com, every step was taken to ensure that there is nothing comparable, and with more potential to create more millionaires faster than any business or industry that the world has ever experienced. If making money is one of your dreams, consider it removed from the equation by taking our elementary steps to total financial freedom. We have it down to a science and removed the guess work out of making money. It doesn't matter if you join today or a hundred years from now, the result must always be the same - all things being equal. You won't be marketing a product or service but the fuel to both. How can you go wrong? Not a chance!

With that in mind, our free to join affiliate program was created to give you an edge over any other affiliate programs available. You get a generous 50% of all sales plus 10% 2nd tier from your recruits' sales. But that is not our goal; it is rather to get you into the program for a first hand experience of the near magical power of growing rich as quickly as possible. If you can signup just 20 affiliates, (some do in a single day), then, you have what it takes to be a multi-millionaire with our program. In my associations with marketers, some actually require their employees to close sales of similar number per a week as a condition of employment. Here, you will be working for yourself. You do not have to spend another out of pocket expense if you choose not to.

If you are not aware of it as of this moment, the most effective advertising mechanism on earth is word of mouth - it's free, use it! There is an extraordinary degree of credibility built into self conviction or first hand experience that easily turns prospects into partners in any venture that you may be involved in. You shall get that first hand experience by registering in the program. It is also designed to fit any budget. If it works for you, it will most certainly work for your prospects - a sure catalyst that will spur you to go for it with passion. After all is said and done, the most essential truth of our time is that wealth becomes a right only when you make it so. We have literally done all the hard work for you. Now, put it into action. This may well be your last chance!


AlertPay, our affiliate pay processor is fast becoming one of the most preferred processor of choice of many internet based businesses. They have numerous funding and withdrawal options, highly efficient and pay upon request. Click here to signup for Premium Business Account. It's free.

After registration, signup for our free affiliate program by clicking here. Start marketing our program with the url that you shall receive. You shall also be paid monthly through AlertPay. Once you receive your email notification of payment from us, log onto your AlertPay and request withdrawal if you please. It's very simple and hassle-free. You can equally setup an ACH wire transfer to your bank account where available.


Take Action For A Fast Result: Marketing Tools: The following are time tested marketing strategies that can make the difference between superior and sporadic performers. Most are free, some requires very little investment of time and money, all can make you very rich indeed. Internet is still evolving quickly. There is no doubt that more marketing tools shall be made available with time. Therefore, consider these rather as a guide than a barometer. Traditional and evolving marketing techniques are, and shall be made compatible with our program. We stopped at nothing to make sure that we didn't leave anything behind to make a success of our program's participants. We practically distilled the facts from those on top of their game in affiliate marketing for the benefit of both experienced and beginning marketers. Check out the marketing resources below, I'm sure that you'll probably learn a thing or two. In almost all cases, effective communication with your prospect must involve one or all of the following. You should strive to master all of them to hone your marketing skills.

E-Mailer Copy Ads (Spamming will terminate your membership!)

E-Mail Ad Copy: Use for prospecting.

(Subject line): You can be a millionaire in weeks - Guaranteed! (Suggested - Experiment in your own words)

(First Name),

A message from the publisher:

If you are any thing close to a business opportunities enthusiast like I am, you've probably had your shares of frustrations that came from being burned on few, if not several occasions. Ironically though, within those rubbles are buried grains of treasures and strategies that often prove handy if you were patient and careful enough to sieve through the mess. There always seems to be that "missing link", that for all practical purposes, appears to have been deliberately hidden by the creators of those programs.

My exhaustive examinations of those business offers, at a tidy fortune by the way, led to the creation of this program where everything finally fits and allows average individuals to earn above average income. I'm sure that you will agree.

Click Here http://www.wealthybychoiceandaction.com/ID (Substitute with your affiliate's or program's url) for a program that is bound to change your perspective and life style forever. Did I say make you rich? Very rich indeed, and in a record time.

There, you shall find simple explanation of the principles behind the program, so simple to make you blush, yet, so powerful you would wish that you had thought about it. But that is just the beginning. You have to register for the program to see exactly what it is all about. Please do not get disturbed by what may seem to be too good to be true with regards to your earning potential. There is no way in hell anybody would have convinced me that I could be a millionaire, much less a multi-millionaire for less than the price of a meal in a moderately priced restaurant if I wasn't the program's creator.

Knowing what I do about you, this is the only program that you will ever need. Your search is over! In return, you promise that you won't keep this information to yourself - pass it on.

In fact, I suggest that you save it in a file for future reference. It might be our last communication with you. With our unconditional money-back guarantee, you owe it to yourself or loved ones to take that first step to your financial independence.

Join us today and make this your greatest year ever! All your earnings are completely tax free. Who would ask for anything more?

Click Here http://www.wealthybychoiceandaction.com/ID and join us today!

You'll be glad you did!

(Your Name)

* * * Copy the information below and paste it in to your email promotions.

* * * Copy the information above and paste it in to your email promotions.

Text Ads

Following text ads are ideal for your search engine pay-per-click, newsprint or website campaigns.

Become a millionaire in weeks! Guaranteed!
Step by step instructions! Get out of the rat race fast!

You can be a millionaire in weeks
Not a hype or a misprint! See for yourself!

Note: Substitute the link with your affiliate's or programs url.

Banner Ads

Click and hold to outline the codes, copy, and paste your choice of banners to your website and banner exchange programs.

Static & Dynamic 468 x 60 Banners

Static & Dynamic 120 x 60 Banners


* * * Note: The above banners also appear in your Affiliate Log In area by clicking on the links on the left hand side that say "1st tier adverts" and "2nd tier adverts". Each banner in the Affiliate Log In area comes complete with all of the linking codes that will allow your website viewers to view the banner or banners of your choice.

The code also comes complete with your Affiliate User ID so you will get credit for each sale that is made when using one of the banners you have chosen for promotion. Once your website viewers click on one of the banners that you have chosen to use for your affiliate promotion you will automatically get credit each time a sale is made by the new affiliate or by other affiliates that sign up under your new recruit.

More information about how this part of the affiliate program works and the pay scale can be seen by logging in to your affiliate area and clicking on the links on the left that say "1st tier overview" and "2nd tier overview".

Signature File Ads

Add signature files to your out-going emails, blogs, forums or article marketing campaigns. They are extremely effective. Those ad-like messages at the bottom of your emails. Try it and watch your sales explode exponentially. Copy and paste to your e-mail preference tab. You can also use it in website text link ads. Experience has proved that they generate more clicks than banner ads.

(1) It is true! $35.00 can make you a millionaire!

(2) New! $35.00 can make you a millionaire!

Note: Make sure to substitute the above links with your Affiliate program's url.

Blogs & Forum Ads

Whether you blog for fun or profit, there are industry specific blogs that can put some cold cash in your pocket with our program. Here are some samples to get you going: Click Here for forum directories, or Click Here for blog directories.

Please Note: Forum and news group postings are restricted in certain countries, comply with your local laws.

eZines Ads & AdBoards

Electronic magazines are subscription based periodic publications, and as diverse as papers on your newspaper stands I might add. They serve niche markets and special interest groups like professional organizations. Because some has 1000's of subscribers, it makes it an ideal advertising outlet for your products or services. There are different rates for your advertising space and locations. Inquire from the publishers for the option that suits both your taste and budget. The net effect is that you will be presenting your offer to an audience that will be most receptive to it. Thus why selecting the right eZine should be your top priority.

AdBoards, on the other hand, are platforms where marketers can post their offerings for a fee or free. Both eZines and AdBoards are relatively easy and inexpensive to start and operate. Contact us for details on starting your own.

Search Google, Click here for eZines or Click here for AdBoards.

Free & Paid Classified Ads
(Online & offline International news print directory. Business opportunity magazines)

Enter a long URL to make tiny:

If you are a serious marketer, or considering becoming one, you are losing tons of cash if you're not advertising on your Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies, your neighborhood or specialty magazines and newspapers. They still command over 70% readership of classified advertisements. It is important to note that advertising is over $250 Billion annual enterprise. You can save yourself a bundle by registering your own In-House Advertising Agency. In some communities, there is no special licensing requirement. To be on the safe side, call your Secretary of State or City Hall to verify if any is required and conform to your local laws.

Your next step after registering your Agency is to prepare a press-kit, a letterhead and business cards - pronto! You are now in business and in the same league with major players in the industry. That entitles you to substantial discounts from media publishers (news papers, radio & TV stations). Introduce yourself to the publishers and specifically request for the discounts for your campaigns. After all, your clients as a service provider expects reasonable savings, while you should be able to realize tidy profit to cover your overhead costs.

Click Here or Click Here for Directories of free classified advertising providers.

Why not go global? Click Here for International newsprint publishers, or Click Here and get over 90% discount by purchasing in volumes of 100's for your state-wide or nation-wide campaigns. Or save even more by Clicking Here.

Since classified ads are categorized in topics, we found "Business Opportunities" and "Employment Opportunities" best suited for our program.

We recommend Tiny URL be used to shorten your url for mainstream advertising.

Opt-In & Safe-List Directory
(Paid-To-Surf/Auto Surf)

E-mail marketing, by far, is the fastest way to swell your bank account overnight without straining your wallet. Stories of some that made over $100,000.00 within 24 hrs are not uncommon. More so, if you own your own list. If you don't, start building yours today by Clicking Here, or subscribe to as many Opt-in and Safe lists as you possibly can by Clicking Here. Above E-Mail Ad Copy is ideal for your own mailing list ads. Since some opt-ins can limit your ads words, it is suggested that you compose your own to conform to your respective opt-ins and safe list's policies.

Here are some directories to get you started. http://www.letsallworkathome.com/pljoin.html

Another source of free traffic to your site that can translate into raw cash for your program(s) are Paid-to-surf (you are actually paid to surf other member's sites) and Auto Surf sites. Some, also, have paid membership requirement - you pay to join their program. Its note worthy to caution to do your home-work on any that you decide to join - some doesn't deliver on their claims. Here are few good autosurf and traffic exchange sites to get you started.

1) http://www.aussieearners.com/

3) http://www.safaricash.com/


2) http://www.vivasurf.com/

4) http://www.hotsurfs.com/

Pay-per-click (PPC)
(Squeeze page & Auto-responders)

A few years ago Google modified their policy effectively restricting affiliate marketers from directing traffic to the same website. The only way to get around it is to design a leed-capture (Squeeze) page to direct all your ad campaigns to, and have them redirected to your affiliate's or program's url.

Your first step is to register a domain for the leed-capture page. Click Here and purchase a hosting plan and free domain registration. Or Signup Here for our reseller program. There is no better bargain anywhere on the web.

When prospects clicks on your ad and arrives at the capture-page, they will be supplying their name and email address to access your affiliate's url. We recommend that you subscribe to an auto-responder service. That way, you'll be killing two birds with one stone. You'll not only be trying to close sales for our program, but also, building a mailing list for what other program(s) you may have. Pretty neat -huh! You can also pre-load the auto-responder with follow-up emails to close your sales hands free. Again, you're at liberty to write your own leed-capture page (send us a copy for approval), copy and paste our squeeze page html code to your new registered domain, or obtain a free squeeze page by clicking here and upgrade for auto-responder service. 100's of bonus free soft wares are also available for your use or to offer your prospects as bonus gifts.


Stop Wasting Your Money On Biz-Opportunities
Until You've Tried This Program!!!

It is new! It is Exciting! It is revolutionary! It can make you rich!
Very, very rich! And it is tax-f-r-e-e !!!!

Suppose I tell you that you can be a millionaire, if not a multi-millionaire in the next 120 to 160 days?

Suppose also, that it will take less than 5 minutes to do only one thing, on or offline, on regular bases?

What if your total initial capital outlay is less than $60.00 and completely tax deductible?

Does absolutely tax free income interest you?

If you are positively interested in all of the above, please supply your first name and email for instant access to more detailed information about our program.

If on the other hand that it doesn't, please stop right here! We do not wish to waste our time or yours for any reason.

Sign Up For More
Free Information!

First Name:

Your Email:

We respect your privacy and will never share your email with anyone.
We passionately hate spamming as much as you do.

Copy and paste the leed-capture page HTML code below to your registered domain.

This squeeze page uses Matt Write's "freeware" FormMail.pl email form parser.

Publish Articles

Articles publishing are easy freeway to endless traffic to your website(s), and a lucrative one for that matter. To avoid duplicity, we thought it would be to the best interest of our affiliates to write articles about our unique opportunity rather than have pre-written templates to copy and paste from. Click Here and select from niche specific article publishers, or just go wild and cast as wide a net as you can. Our opportunity is ideal for virtually any keyword because our offer lets anyone make hordes of cash the easy way. Do not forget to include your affiliate url ID signature in all your postings and have them pointed to your affiliate's url.

Examples of niche specific directories are:

(1) http://www.WorkAtHomeArticles.Net


(2) http://www.submityourarticle.com/main.php

* * * Note: Click on each of the links above for more valuable information.

Free Business Cards

Another arsenal in your affiliate recruiting tool is the most basic and often overlooked business advertising technique of all times - Business Cards! Leave one with every acquaintance, your convenient store keeper, that favorite waiter or waitress of yours, receptionists etc. In fact, your imagination is your limit. The only pertinent info on the card should be: "You Can Be A Millionaire In Weeks!", include your affiliate URL ( shorten as instructed by going here: Tiny URL ), your email address and phone number (optional).

Click Here for free business cards.

Press Release

Press releases are ways of informing people about new products or services. It works in similar fashion as article publishing. If you decide to publish in any directory, just call to their attention on how our opportunity can add to their bottom line. Remember that almost any business is geared towards either making or raising money, be it commercial or non-profit entities. Our program fulfills both needs beautifully. Click Here for free press release directories.

Post Cards
(Offline direct-response marketing)

Responsive mailing list and one-stop print and mail service providers come in different shapes and forms. Some target specific industries, while others have databases of almost any mailing list that your heart desires. So are their prices and response rates. One common denominator, however, is that they are able to provide you the service at the price that you are able to negotiate. Depending on the city that you leave in, some can equally distribute your flyer for a fee. The key is to shop for quality at a price that you can live with. The reward can be tremendous, given that most people check their mails regularly, and are more likely to see your offer than those in their inboxes. To avoid repetitive offers to the same mailing list and dilute its effectiveness, it will be to the best interest of our affiliates to search for those service providers on their own. Search term categories and keywords are: Business opportunity seekers mailing list, Work-at-home opportunity seekers mailing list, Financial opportunity seekers mailing list etc.

The design of the post cards are up to you, feel free to experiment, or you can have us ship to you as many copies as you specify. Send us your designs for approval or contact us for our pricing. They should however read as follows, or you can come up with as many catchy words as you see fit, but keep in mind that there are laws governing truth in advertising. "You Can Be A Millionaire In Weeks - Guaranteed!", Step by step instructions! Please visit us today at (Your shortened affiliate url ID). It has worked very well for us. Affix a stamp, drop in your post office or instruct your print and mail company to do so and your are done.

Please note that if you have a different mailing list company than the print and mail company designing your post cards, you can instruct the mailing list company to ship the list directly to the print and mail company for posting. That is within their scope of services.

If you diligently conduct your affairs correctly and treat this unique opportunity as a business that it is, you have our guaranty that you will be a millionaire within weeks. All the tools you need are now at your finger tips. Good luck!

Marketing Resources

This website is among the best basic internet marketing-training sites recommended by pros. Click Here for more information.

These sites are also top-rated by marketers. Click the links below for more information.

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What are you waiting for?
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